00:11:36 Tejal Desai-Naik (she/her): Hi Everyone! 00:15:15 Jane Maringer: So Sorry I'm late! 00:15:24 Scott Sandler: Hi Jane! 00:16:37 Scott Sandler: You can find forms on the FPLC site (Faculty Professional Learning Committee) 00:16:52 Binh Vo: Reacted to "You can find forms o…" with ❀️ 00:17:09 Denise Besson: Reacted to "You can find forms o..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 00:17:11 Bill Wise: Reacted to "Hello" with πŸ‘ 00:17:34 Bill Wise: Reacted to "You can find forms o..." with πŸ‘πŸ» 00:17:34 Dana Young: Reacted to "You can find forms o..." with πŸ‘ 00:17:39 Bill Wise: Reacted to "You can find forms o..." with πŸ‘ 00:19:22 Scott Sandler: Here is the handbook that Robert is talking about: 00:19:25 Scott Sandler: https://www.gavilan.edu/staff/fplc/docs/GavilanCollegeTFOHandbookv1.008-Sept-2022.pdf 00:22:23 Jan Janes: Replying to "https://www.gavilan...." thanks for this link! 00:22:39 Scott Sandler: If you would like more time to look at the forms in community beyond today's session, please email me so that we can make that happen: ssandler@gavilan.edu. 00:23:00 Scott Sandler: In your email, let me know days/times that work best for you. 00:24:20 Jane Maringer: Scott@ There is a missing field on the form, so we cannot add information after the colon (:). I'll show you later. 00:24:34 Scott Sandler: Reacted to "Scott@ There is a mi..." with ❀️ 00:30:18 Jane Maringer: Peter@can you put a link to that updated rubric please? 00:31:13 Peter Howell: https://cvc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/CVC-OEI-Course-Design-Rubric-rev.10.2018.pdf 00:31:24 Jan Janes: Reacted to "https://cvc.edu/wp-c..." with πŸ‘ 00:31:44 Jane Maringer: Reacted to "https://cvc.edu/wp-c..." with πŸ‘ 00:33:35 Jane Maringer: Peter, Thank you! 00:34:08 Scott Sandler: https://www.gavilan.edu/staff/fplc/docs/GavilanCollegeTFOHandbookv1.008-Sept-2022.pdf 00:35:09 Scott Sandler: Reacted to "https://cvc.edu/wp-c..." with πŸ‘ 00:47:55 Noah Lystrup (he/him): The syllabus checklist is on the PT Evaluation Forms webpage linked earlier in the chat. The checklist can be found on the document titled "3.4 PT Faculty Administrative Evaluation" - page 2. 00:48:00 Noah Lystrup (he/him): https://www.gavilan.edu/staff/fplc/all_documents.php 00:48:11 Robert Overson: Reacted to "The syllabus checkli…" with πŸ‘Œ 00:49:05 Max Rain: I just wanted to add that I’ve really enjoyed evaluating instructors in fields that are widely different than mine 00:49:06 Jan Janes: Reacted to "I just wanted to add..." with πŸ‘ 00:49:50 Dana Young: Reacted to "I just wanted to add..." with πŸ‘ 00:50:21 Scott Sandler: Reacted to "I just wanted to add..." with ❀️