
Albert Marqués
Giralda Center Spanish House, Seville, Spain
(408) 848-4794



Spanish course in Spain to be taught at Giralda Center Spanish House in Sevilla.   A course with emphasis on understanding and speaking Spanish: Introduction to reading and writing and a general survey of Hispanic culture.


This course provides a solid foundation in the four skills and an introduction to Hispanic culture throughout various parts of the world. In accordance with the ACTFL/ETS Proficiency Guidelines, the primary objective of this course is to help develop the necessary skills to communicate proficiently in Spanish and to function effectively within the culture of real life situations.
The course is taught in Spanish.


Advisory; basic Spanish speaking, writing, and reading skills


As supplied by school, plus ĦArriba! 6th Edition, Student Activities Manual (required for lab work),
                                                 ĦArriba! 6th Edition, Textbook (optional, PDF available online)


            90-100%        A
            80-89%          B
            70-79%          C
            60-69%          D
            59%                F

Method of Evaluation

Class Participation/take home test, lab work




Cultural Activities 


Examples: Visit la Giralda, La Catedral, Marruecos, Alcazar, any other city of Spain

Take home test and lab work:  Can be done at anytime

Students enrolled in Spanish 1B are required in addition to regular classes in Spain to complete a take home test and the ĦArriba! 6th Edition, Student Activities Manual lab work (audio available online via Gavilan iLearn).

Take home test requirements: (select only 5)

  1. Compare and contrast the preterit and imperfect and show how both are formed and give examples
  2. Explain the use of reflexive verbs and their use. Give examples
  3. Explain tu and usted commands  with examples
  4. Explain how to form the subjunctive
  5. Explain noun clauses that require the subjunctive.
  6. Explain adjectives clauses that require the subjunctive
  7. Explain adverbial clauses that require the subjunctive 
  8. Explain and give examples of if clauses
  9. Explain and give examples on how to form the imperfect subjunctive

Cultural activities

  1. Must visit at least 4 cultural sites

  2. Must take pictures of yourself at the site

  3. One page write-up on the cultural site in English

Course Goals

  1. to improve reading, writing and speaking skills

  2. to help you develop the power of language, image, symbol and metaphor in our lives

  3. to  obtain a basic understanding and appraise the historical, social, cultural and aesthetic qualities of Hispanic culture

  4. speak Spanish, speak Spanish and speak Spanish!


All students registered in the Gavilan College study abroad program have made a huge sacrifice to be able to participate.  Participation is essential and required.  Students who choose not to participate or act inappropriately can be asked to leave our program at their own expense.  Grounds for dismissal of the program include but are not limited to:

  1. excessive drunkenness

  2. intoxicated in class

  3. falling asleep in class on more than one occasion

  4. excessive absences

  5. lack of participation or lack of respect towards colleagues or instructors



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Last updated on 05/18/12 .
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