-Mongo -MEAN (new) vs LAMP (old) vs MERN --- DIFFERENT TYPES OF STACKS - scotch.io - mean.io - Robo 3T 1.2 (Reads the MongoDB using a GUI interface) database.js passport.js npm = node package manager https://changelog.com/posts/install-node-js-with-homebrew-on-os-x https://scotch.io/tutorials/setting-up-a-mean-stack-single-page-application Bower - package manager REACT - can use it native with the MEAN stack expo.io - build apps on top of react BELOW IS THE HISTORY FROM TERMINAL OF OSX: ===========INSTALLING NODE.JS, SETTING UP MEAN STACK!!++++++ https://scotch.io/tutorials/setting-up-a-mean-stack-single-page-application 527 cd meanexample/ 528 touch package.json 529 git clone https://github.com/linnovate/mean.git 530 ls 531 cd mean 532 npm install && npm start # DIDN'T WORK, B/C you need "brew" ^^^^^^ DIDN'T WORK!!!...so the below needed to be done: # INSTALL brew: # https://changelog.com/posts/install-node-js-with-homebrew-on-os-x 533 /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" # INSTALL NODE.JS and NPM, then do some "fixing" based on what brew told me: 536 brew install node 537 brew update 538 brew doctor 539 brew install gettext libidn2 libunistring # fixing 540 brew doctor 541 export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" 542 brew install node 543 brew reinstall node # fixing 544 npm install -g grunt-cli # suggested to test if things worked ^^^ THE ABOVE INSTALLs NODE.jS AND NPM # MESSED UP INSTALLING , then had to remove them: 545 npm install && npm start 546 ls 547 vi package.json 548 vi server.js 549 vi package.json 550 node server.js 551 ls 552 rm * 556 rm -r config 558 rm -r server src 562 vi package.json 563 ls 564 clear # END MESS UP # FRESH START: # Content of files: package.json, server.js, nerd.js, index.html is in: # https://scotch.io/tutorials/setting-up-a-mean-stack-single-page-application 565 npm install 566 ls 567 cat package.json 568 cd node_modules/ 569 ls 570 cd .. 571 vi server.js 572 clear 573 ls 574 mkdir config 575 cd config/ 576 vi db.js 577 cd .. 578 ls 579 cat server.js 580 cd .. 581 ls 582 cd mean/ 583 ls 584 ./ 585 ls 586 cd config/ 587 ls 588 cd .. 589 cd node_modules/ 590 ls 591 cd .. 592 touch app/models/nerd.js 593 mkdir app/models 594 mkdir app 595 mkdir app/models 596 touch app/models/nerd.js 597 vi app/models/nerd.js 598 vi app/routes.js 599 mkdir public 600 mkdir public/views 601 vi public/views/index.html 602 node server.js # THIS STARTS THE SERVER, WHICH TELLS YOU WHICH PORT TO OPEN(8080) # open browser, go to localhost:8080 to see the page created by all this